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New Ideas

Sorry I’ve been MIA for a couple of days. Believe it or not, I haven’t even tweeted. I’m back at work hitting the grindstone hard! We are extremely busy this week so far. I’m guessing it’s because all these mommas want to have their babies by Christmas. Or it’s the doctors that want their patients delivered by Christmas. Take your pick. I’m sure it’s a little of both. I like it being busy because the day goes by faster and keeps me running! I love speed walking our hallways.

Life has been pretty mundane since arriving back in town after our quick Birmingham trip this past weekend. Chad and I had a great time at the holiday party one of the doctors at our hospital threw. It’s always fun to see your co-workers in a more relaxed, laid back setting. It gives you a chance to let your hair down and not worry about work responsibilities. By the time we got home from the party, we were pooped! It had been a long day of traveling, unpacking and getting things tidied around the house.

All of the Labor and Delivery staff that came to the party.

I know my post is titled ‘New Ideas’ and this is why. I was talking with Chad the other night and I expressed my love for blogging and I really would love to start a new blog dedicated to my strength and marathon training as well as showing the meals I eat throughout the day. I want to show people that you can be fit and healthy even eating regular food. You don’t have to necessarily eat just 1000 calories a day, eat all organic, workout for 3 hours a day, etc. I used to be that girl that was obsessed with my meals, how many calories I was consuming a day, how many calories I was working off, what the scale said each morning and night, etc. I even went to the extreme of attempting the raw fruit and vegetable diet for two weeks just because I wanted my scale to read a certain number. CRAZY!!! I can’t live my life that way. And we all shouldn’t have to live that way. We shouldn’t have to beat ourselves up for tasting something with sugar in it, splurging on a piece of bread, loving our mom’s fried chicken and mashed potatoes, or having to worry about what you’re going to eat when you go out to eat with your friends because you’re on the “no sugar, no carbs, no meat” diet. Let’s live a real life and make wise food choices while doing it. And I truly feel this doesn’t have to be a hard thing to do. It can be a way of life and you won’t have to miss out on all the “good” stuff. Don’t get me wrong, I do love eating healthy foods too! But I want to show people that you can have your cake and eat it too! So I’m still chewing on (no pun intended) the idea of my new blog. I will keep this blog to blog about mine and Chad’s lovely, un-interesting life, of course. 🙂 Who knows…. we’ll see if this blog really does come alive. If I do decide to start a new blog, it will hopefully be up and running at the first of the new year. What better way to kick off 2010 with a new blog?! So let me know your feedback! Is this silly or something that really could be beneficial? Either way, I’m pretty excited about the idea!

Alright, moving on… I’ve still been biking to work in this frigid weather. Today might have been my last for a while though. I feel as if there is something seriously wrong with my bike. I don’t really feel like it’s ever been the same since I had my bike accident back in July and this morning I felt like I was truly trudging through mud to get to work. I was dying! My legs were burning, I felt like I would be able to walk faster than my bike was going, and I thought I would never make it. I thanked the Lord when my bike rolled right into the biking rack. Whew. It was a tough morning. So Chad picked me up from work and loaded my bike up and he’s going to go get it checked out tomorrow. I want it to be in tip top condition! Not only to be able to bike well, but to keep it in good condition because I think I’m going to sell my bike next spring and upgrade to a road bike. We shall see but I want to keep my options open as far as continuing to bike through the rest of the winter and early spring. So little Marin goes to get a check up tomorrow.

I came home to hit up some P90X chest, back and abs. I was getting my ab exercises out of the way while Chad was cooking our dinner and look who decided to join me.

Ollie boy at my feet.

Both the boys being moral support for their momma.

They love ab exercises… they have a six pack but it’s hidden by a little layer of cat food. 🙂 They are truly my workout buddies. They’re always so curious on what we’re doing when we’re running around doing our crazy poses and exercises. Speaking of we, Chad even worked out with me tonight. Woo hoo! He absolutely hates exercising and it’s like pulling teeth to get him to workout with me even though he just started the program again last week. Oh well. It’s his body, not mine. But he did great getting down with push-ups and getting up with pull-ups. Way to go honey!!!

P.S. Look at this stinker stealing my workout chair. I hated to move him so I did my seated back fly’s on another chair.

We ate a fun meal of Sloppy Joe’s tonight. Yuuuummmmyyyy. Reminds me of childhood. I loved when my mom would make sloppy joe’s for dinner when I was little. So every once in a blue moon, I’ll get a hankering for some sloppy mess. And boy was it good tonight! Sometimes you just need a good sandwich with potato chips. Can I hear an Amen?

So we finished our workout and I settled in to write this blog while Chad fixed me a delicious cup of hot chocolate. This has become our nightly treat since last week when we had our first cup of the season. It makes me so happy knowing that I can spend each night looking forward to my husband and I settling down for the night with a soothing cup of hot chocolate. And I even got to use my new mug for the first time that my beautiful friend, Mandy, gave me as a Christmas happy the other night when we met for a coffee date. I absolutely LOVE it!

That’s it on my end. It’s time for bed… early morning is quickly approaching. Don’t forget to provide me with some advice or feedback on the new blog idea. Goodnight readers.

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